Alternative Care
Children in our community need you! Fostering and Adoption can change a child’s life! You can be the difference for a child in need by opening your home as a foster or adoptive family.
All children need a family. And families are unique, and come together in many different ways. Whether through birth, a relative such as a grandparent, caring adults in the community, an adoptive or foster family – they are as diverse as we are as individuals.
We rely on members of our community to care for children who need a safe family environment. But that care is unique to the circumstances of the child and family. The differing types of care – fostering, kinship care, customary care and adoption, all have many things in common. They have a shared goal – ensuring children have meaningful connections they can count on.
Bags & Books for Kids
Running alongside our Basic Needs program, Bags and Books for Kids provides children and youth involved in emergency placements with quality luggage and reading materials to support them through the transition. No more relying on plastic bags – we strive to ensure these children and youth have a sense of dignity and ownership over their belongings.
You can support this campaign by shopping on our Amazon wish list, shipping the items directly to our head office. Donations of luggage in brand new or excellent condition are also accepted. Click here to find the office nearest to you for dropping off your donation.
If you know about opportunities to purchase or get donations in bulk, please contact us!

Learn about fostering and adoption
The care you deserve
The Quality Standards Framework tells service providers what they can and must do to care for you while you are living in a foster home, group home, staff-model home, youth justice facility or secure treatment facility.
This guide was made so that you can understand what is in the Quality Standards Framework and what to expect while receiving licensed care.